Who are we?
All parents, carers and staff at Ark Blacklands Primary Academy are automatically members of the Friends association, known as F.A.B.
The F.A.B. Committee runs the charity and organises fundraising events which are then used to help pay for trips, equipment and to improve the school experience for all pupils. It's made up of members like you, who have been elected by other members at the Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.). Once elected, the committee serve for one year, until they either stand down or are re-elected at the next A.G.M., normally held in October.
What do we do?
We have previously organised raffles, fairs, quiz nights, school discos and more! If you have any ideas on what you’d like to see us to, we’d love to hear from you – please drop us a line on the email below.
To arrange these events, we have committee meetings roughly every 2-3 months, with lots of extra email/text communications in the run-up to events. Please don't be shy about coming forward – we would love to have representation of all groups throughout the academy to attend and provide input. You can attend these whenever you can, and there’s no commitment to come to every meeting.
We're a friendly group who need as much help as possible to come up with new ideas for fundraising as well as running and staffing our tried and tested events. It's a great way to make friends with other parents, get to know the school and staff better and feel you're doing something to enhance your kids' education along the way. And it can be great fun!
If you would rather not attend meetings but would still like to get involved, please do join our list of helpers. Again, there is no obligation – you can decide whether or not to help at each event as they come up.
If you’d like to know more, please do reach out via email to friendsofarkblacklands@hotmail.com.
The A.G.M meeting minutes are available here.
Stay tuned for further updates and events this term!