Breakfast and After School Club
Breakfast and After School Club bookings should be made and paid for online via iPayimpact. If you are already registered for iPayimpact, you are able to log in, then make your selection for either Breakfast Club, 1st Session After School Club and/or 2nd Session After School Club and then make payment.
We have limited places available and so booking as far in advance as possible and before 2pm on the day is essential to secure a place. Any late bookings, after 2pm, maybe subject to a £5.00 administration fee. If you are not able to complete the booking process and pay for the session, this means the club is full and no spaces are available. In this case, please therefore, make other arrangements for your child to be collected at the end of their school day.
In the unlikely event that there is debt against an account, the place will be cancelled and parents will be called to collect their child, until all fees have been paid. The place maybe reinstated once all outstanding debts have been cleared.
If a child has not been collected by the end of the afterschool club session, parents will be contacted in the first instance by telephone. The additional contacts parents have provided will be telephoned in the second instance.
If a child is picked up late from the first session of afterschool club, charges will be made for the additional session attended. A charge of £5.00 will be made for every 15 minutes beyond the end of afterschool club, which finishes at 17.30pm. This will commence from the second time the child is collected late.
Breakfast Club sessions run from 8.00am until the start of the school day when the children will go to their classes. The cost for this is £3.00 per session. Children are offered a range of activities and are given a breakfast consisting of cereal, toast or crumpet, yogurt and milk or juice. The club is run by trained members of staff who supervise the children at all times.
The After School Club sessions are as follows:
- First session runs from 3.00/3.10pm until 4.15 pm
- Second session runs from 4.15pm to 5.30pm
If you wish to book your child in for the whole club, please book both first and second sessions to ensure that your child is on both registers. The cost for each session is £4. Children are offered a range of activities, including outdoor activities, weather permitting and are given a light snack and a drink.
If you are not registered for iPayimpact, please contact the school office for an activation letter.
You are able to book your child into the Breakfast or After School Club sessions via iPayimpact for the days required for the forthcoming week or term.
If your child will not be attending either Breakfast or After School Club on their allocated day, you must inform the school that morning.
It will not be possible for your child to attend any session that has not been pre-booked and paid for, unless it is an emergency, in which case please call the office and a space may be able to be offered if staffing levels remain safe.
Child Care Vouchers
Please book your child's place via iPayimpact by selecting FUND - Choose VOUCHER for the relevant month.
For more information, please contact: Gill Hulls, Business Manager
School emergency number for parents to contact the after school staff after 4pm: 07918 367799
Clubs Policy
After School Enrichment Clubs
SIGN UP for September / October Term 2024 below.
SAFEGUARDING: Children are expected to attend every session, if your child is unable to attend one of the sessions, it is very important that a call is made to the office to let us know.
If your child wishes to continue with a club, you must re apply each term by completing an online form.
Please do not send your child to a club without first receiving confirmation of your child's place for that term.
All our clubs run from the first week of term till the last week unless otherwise stated and finish at 4pm.
Dance & Musical Theatre
For Reception to Year 6
Sign up by clicking on the link below for September / October 2024
Dance with Miss Kimmy link this link has all three clubs on it
Meet in Main Hall - Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant will bring students down to Mrs Kimmy to register. Pick up near Lower Hall entrance gate via carpark. Student will to escorted up to meet Parents/Carers.
For more information, please contact Mrs Kimberley Harwood directly on 07940988414 or email:
6 Love Sports Coaching with Louis - Multi Sports
Sign up by clicking on the link below for September / October 2024
A multi sports club that involves a variety of sports throughout the term. Children will learn the technical and tactical parts of each sport in a game situation. The sports are: Football, dodgeball, handball, netball, hockey, basketball, tennis and cricket.
Years 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, :
Andy Studsy - Football Club
Sign up for September / October 2024
This is for Year 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
If you would like your child to attend our club, please Text 07818434064 or email to book your child’s place. There is no need to fill in any forms. You will need to book your child’s place at the beginning of every term by contacting Andy directly.
Details should include child’s full name, school year, emergency contact and any relevant medical information.
NOTE: Due to school safeguarding policy, no child will be permitted to attend the course until you confirm your child’s place by text or email. Thank you
Every Tuesday - Time: 3.10pm to 4.10pm.
Kids Karate
Sign up for September / October 2024
SAMA Karate is great for children because not only does it promote healthy exercise, improve co-ordination and teach self-defence, it also places great emphasis on discipline and respect.
Thursdays 3.15pm to 4.00pm in the School Hall, Classes are £5.00 per lesson, pay as you go. For more information please call: 01273 01 02 02 or email: THERE IS A WAITING LIST FOR THIS CLUB.
Art Club
Sign up for September / October 2024
Monday - Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 from 3.00pm to 4.00pm
This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to engage with a professional artist, make new friends and learn new skills.
There is a charge of £6.00 per session, to be paid to the organizer of the club Vicky.
For more information and payment details, please email Vicky directly on: to be added to the waiting list.
Girls Football Club - Free
Sign up by clicking on the link below for September / October 2024
Building on the success of the England Ladies team in the Euros, we are delighted to offer an after-school Girls Football Club for Year 4, 5 & 6 has changed to Fridays.
Girls football with Mrs Crouch & Mrs Cruttwell - :
Choir Club - Free
Sign up by clicking on the link below for September / October 2024
Wednesday 3.15pm to 4.00pm - Year 4, 5 & 6
Choir :